
South Hobart Primary School accepts enrolments from families who reside in our intake area from Kindergarten to Year 6. At this time, due to being at capacity numbers, we do not accept out of area applications.

Please use the following website to determine where your local school is. ArcGIS Web Application

Please contact our school office to request an enrolment form.

We request that you return this document with the following:

  • Proof of identity for your child eg Birth certificate or passport
  • Proof of identity for the enrolling parent eg Driver’s Licence
  • Two documents that prove current residential address – eg Aurora account, Tax notice of assessment, lease agreement, bank statement
  • Immunisation details – either a print out record from My Gov or the blue Health book.

Our Kindergarten enrolments for the following year (the year in which your child turns 5) are generally finalised by July of the previous year. For example, enrolments for Kindergarten 2025 were finalised in July 2024. This assists us with planning numbers, staffing and learning spaces.

Student Assistance Scheme application

Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) (education.tas.gov.au)

The Student Assistance Scheme (otherwise known as STAS) changed in 2021.

If you are a current concession card holder (Centrelink Health Care Card, Low Income Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession card, or a Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession Card) you can apply using the STAS form.

You will receive a letter confirming the outcome of your application approximately 14 days after it is submitted.

If you need access to a hard copy form, please contact your school, email: stas@education.tas.gov.au or phone 1800 827 055.

Please note: if you are already receiving assistance, you don’t need to apply again.

Launching into Learning

LIL logo

Launching into Learning sessions for our birth to 4 age group are held every Monday in school terms from 9am – 10:45am. The sessions are usually held in the Kinder playground and sometimes off site. 

You will be required to complete a Launching into Learning Contact Form on your first visit. These forms are required annually. 

Online sessions are held via the Great Start website.