School Association 

Any parent or guardian of a South Hobart Primary School student, or a member of the staff of the school, is a member of our school association. We are proud of our school community’s commitment to helping each other make our school an even better place than it already is.  Each year, committee members are elected to manage association happenings, there are eight parent members of the committee and three staff members – including the Principal. Office holders are decided at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in March after the call for committee members. From 2018, we have operated under the rules set by our constitution, it assigns us several roles and responsibilities, including:

  • collaborate with the teachers and broader community to achieve continuous improvement of the school; 
  • participate in making and reviewing school policies and provide advice on Education Department policies; 
  • foster an understanding in the community of the benefits and value of education; and 
  • build a cooperative and supportive school community.  

Every year, our committee and amazing parent and community volunteers work towards these goals through a series of fundraising and community events.  The committee meets twice per term.  Meetings are open for any members to attend and the dates are advertised in the school’s newsletter. The meetings usually commence at 7pm and are held at school. 

Contact Us


Follow up on Facebook: South Hobart Primary School Association

Copies of the agenda, minutes and Principal’s Report are published in the school newsletter and also available on the Schoolzine website under the School Association heading.

Other Information

Sushi Fridays

Sushi pic

Students have the opportunity to order sushi for lunch each Friday. Orders are required to be made via Qkr! by 9.10am the previous day. Sushi is prepared off site and our School Association volunteers distribute the orders to classes for Friday lunch.